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ThingWorx and Analog Devices offer cloud environment for IoT applications

ThingWorx has announced it is working with Analog Devices to offer customers an integrated sensor to cloud environment using the ThingWorx IoT Platform.

Russell Fadel, president of ThingWorx, said: “We’re excited to collaborate with Analog Devices and endeavor to solve IoT infrastructure challenges such as connectivity, communications and other foundational services, so that customers can focus their time and energy on creating IoT applications to generate business value.”

The collaboration is designed to make it easier for customers to bridge the physical and digital worlds with technologies that sense, measure and connect.It will support the IoT journey of smart, connected product data from devices and sensors to wireless communication to big data collection and analysis.

“Our vision in this IoT era is to help companies harness the power of the data generated from sensors in smart, connected products,” said Martin Cotter, vice president, Healthcare, Consumer and IoT, Analog Devices. “Through our collaboration with ThingWorx, we will strive to enhance our customers’ experience utilising the data provided to the ThingWorx IoT Platform to empower rapid, rich and interactive IoT applications, real-time dashboards, collaborative workspaces, and mobile interfaces quicker than ever before.”

Pic: Russell Fadel, president of ThingWorx

Tom Austin-Morgan
