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Fourth generation GaN on Si technology to boost performance, cut costs

MACOM Technology Solutions has launched the fourth generation of its gallium nitride on silicon (GaN on Si) technology and claims the development will deliver performance that rivals that of GaN on Silicon Carbide, but with a volume production cost less than that of LDMOS.

"Gen4 will unlock the full promise of GaN for mainstream commercial applications," said John Croteau, pictured, MACOM's president and CEO. "We expect its impact on the RF and Microwave industry will be transformative."

Gen4 GaN delivers a peak efficiency of more than 70% and a gain of 19dB for modulated signals at 2.7GHz, said to be similar to GaN on SiC and at least 10% more efficienct than LDMOS. It is also said to deliver four times the power density of LDMOS.

According to MACOM, the technology is expected to yield GaN based devices that are half the semiconductor cost per Watt of comparable LDMOS products and significantly lower cost than comparably performing GaN on SiC wafers in volume.

"Our GaN IP portfolio and strategic licensing agreements set the foundation for a sustainable, cost-efficient technology and supply chain model enabling GaN production at unprecedented economies of scale," Croteau added.

Graham Pitcher
