Electronics News
Archive : December 2017 год

13.12.2017 - 23:39
A three year project undertaken at the US Sandia National Laboratories has determined the flow of lithium ions across battery interfaces is a major obstacle to efforts to improve solid-state lithium-ion battery performance.“The underlying goal of the work is to make solid-state batteries more efficient and to improve the interfaces betwee...

13.12.2017 - 23:33
Researchers at Princeton University have constructed silicon hardware that can control quantum behaviour between two electrons with extremely high precision.The team constructed a gate that controls interactions between the electrons in a way that allows them to act as the quantum bits of information, or qubits, necessary for quantum computing....

13.12.2017 - 23:29
Looking to meet demand for low power components for a range of battery powered IoT applications, Redpine Signals has launched the RS14100, which it says is the lowest-power multiprotocol wireless MCU currently available.The MCU, which features an ARM Cortex-M4F core running at up to 180MHz, offers a choice of dual-band 802.11abgn Wi-Fi, Bluetoo...

13.12.2017 - 23:25
A metamaterial developed by researchers at King’s College London uses quantum effects to turn electrons flowing through a circuit into ‘hot electrons’ and light in a highly controlled manner. According to the team, this has potential application in optoelectronics and sensing.The nanomaterial takes advantage of electron tunnel...